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ArctanViper *Неизвестно*
[ · Скачать удаленно (58.72 kb) ] 26.12.2008, 21:56
As you can see, the Bypass is separated into two main parts:

DotA-Client reads your CD-Key (!!!) to give you an unique User-Id.
Now the Idea of the Bypasser is, to just change your CD-Key which is written in the memory (battlenet, will still know your true CD-Key, but DotA-Client will now read a wrong CD-Key and give you a wrong ID

This will even make you unbanned again if you got banned already
Also hack-developers can now savely test, if they get banned or not!

Instructions for the ID-Changer:
- Start Warcraft and log into Battle.net (Go into the lobby)
- Start ArctanViper and NOT DotA-Client
- Press "Generate random Keys" a few times and then "Change your ID"
- Close ArctanViper
- Now start DotA-Client => Check if your AuthId changed
if yes you are save and can now hack (note that your account get's banned too so create a new one!)

Now the CD-Key ban thing got worthless , you could even ban other keys with this

Part 2: DotA-Client Bypass
It will avoid DotA-Client detecting your hacks (tested with ShadowFrench)

- Fake your ID first, just to go sure your CD-Key won't be banned
- Open DotA-Client
- Open Arctan-Viper (it will freeze DotA-Client to avoid being detected itself)
- Now press "Bypass" => It will check if your DotA-Client is still the old version and if yes bypass it and inform you
- Now you can use all hacks you want on your own risk

Q: It says that "Wrong version of DotA-Client! Wait for an update..."
A: Start ArctanViper AFTER DotA-Client if you want to use the BYPASS!
To spoof the ID you have to start it BEFORE DotA-Client.

This is an exclusive bwhacks / xorebx.com release. You have to link those two pages if you share this on your forums. Thank you!

Категория: Warcraft 3 | Добавил: Admin
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