-Features:- -AIM: -Aimbot Fov -AutoShoot -AutoZoom -AimKey -Human Aimbot -Aim Tag -Norecoil -Norecoil Alternativ -Aim List * you can selected who be aimed to -Aim prediction -ESP - Name - Distance - Class - State - Only enemy - Thought Wall -Wallhack -Color mode Texture/shader -Enemy Wallhack -Enemy Colored Model -Enemy Cham's Color -Friend Wallhack -Friend Colored Model -Friend Cham's Color -Visual -Crosshair -Crosshair Name -Warning System -Kill Stats *bug -3D Radar *bug -Zoom hack *aka. cg_fov -Disabled DrawFX *aka. r_fullbright -Info -Misc -Radar -Kill Sounds -Kill to Screen -Consol Spammer Frags -Consol Spammer Winamp *not working -Instant level 55 *DON'T USED* -Settings -Load,Save your settings. -PB: -PB PROOF -PBSS PROOF (return clearn_screen;) :P HOW TO USE: -1. run selfHOOK.exe -2. run iw3mp.exe -3. connect to the cod4 server -4. press delete to MENU :P